Schoolies Week
With Schoolies Week almost upon us, more than ever you and your staff should be familiar with your responsibilities with minors being on licensed premises and your general RSA knowledge.
You should be paying particular attention when checking ID. It is so important that you and your staff know what to do if a minor presents a fake ID while trying to enter a licensed venue and access alcohol.
If you think that a patron’s ID is not genuine, you and your staff are required to confiscate the ID. This should be actioned if:
a person falsely represents themselves to be at least 18 with intent to enter a licensed premises or be supplied alcohol
the ID appears to be tampered with
a person falsely uses a genuine ID that is not theirs to represent themselves to be 18 years or older while attempting to enter a licensed venue or be supplied alcohol.
All confiscated ID should be sent to the Office of Liquor and Gaming Regulation with a completed ID confiscation report.
You can access the OLGR’s online RSA refresher which includes guides to checking ID and minors being on licensed premises, each with fun animated clips and an interactive quiz. It doesn’t take long to do, so test your knowledge now!