Reduced Payroll Data Entry with Xero Integration!
Did you know that the Professional Hospitality Management Portal can easily integrate with your Xero Payroll Function, meaning no more Xero Payroll data entry! Tamara Cross, Director of CFO One, shares her benefits and improved business processes after using this free service.
Reduced Payroll Data Entry with Xero Integration!
CFO One Director, Tamara Cross, is always looking for ways to improve business processes and efficiencies. After implementing Professional Hospitality’s Xero Integration process with some of her clients, Tamara states, “Xero integration with PH is integral to our client’s processes. We have eliminated three paper forms and automated this process replacing TFN Decs, Super Choice and Employee contact details forms. There is now minimal data entry required to set up a new employee in Xero payroll. It makes PH our preferred source of truth and a reliable HRIS, because the information and data points it captures are right at the front end of the business rules and processes.”
Contact Professional Hospitality on (07) 3160 8132 today for this free integration and a new Financial Year!